Search Reasults: Showing 61-70 of 130 Listings

Maintenance Freelance Technician

ALL Motor Mechanic

  • Kevin Otieno
  • 8 months ago
  • Nairobi, Westlands
Price: Price to be set based on the type of work required & spare parts added (if any)

Maintenance Freelance Technician

Bodaboda Technician

  • Daniel Muteti
  • 8 months ago
  • Nairobi, Westlands
Price: Price to be set based on the type of work required & spare parts added (if any)

Maintenance Workshop

Bodaboda Technician

  • Leonard Muranga
  • 8 months ago
  • Nairobi, Westlands
Price: Price to be set based on the type of work required & spare parts added (if any)

Maintenance Freelance Technician

Bodaboda Technician

  • Newton Chamwoma
  • 8 months ago
  • Nairobi, Westlands
Price: Price to be set based on the type of work required & spare parts added (if any)

Maintenance Freelance Technician

Bodaboda Mechanic

  • Jimmy Kitsau
  • 8 months ago
  • Mombasa, Changamwe
Price: Price to be set based on the type of work required & spare parts added (if any)

Maintenance Freelance Technician

Bodaboda Technician

  • Geoffrey Odinga
  • 8 months ago
  • Mombasa, Changamwe
Price: Price to be set based on the type of work required & spare parts added (if any)

Maintenance Workshop

Bodaboda and tuktuk maintenance service

  • MAN Gidie
  • 8 months ago
  • Mombasa, Nyali
Price: Price to be set based on the type of work required & spare parts added (if any)

Maintenance Freelance Technician

Bodaboda maintenance service

  • Patrick Njagi
  • 8 months ago
  • Mombasa, Nyali
Price: Price to be set based on the type of work required & spare parts added (if any)

Maintenance Freelance Technician

Bodaboda maintenance service

  • Ricky Otieno
  • 8 months ago
  • Mombasa, Nyali
Price: Price to be set based on the type of work required & spare parts added (if any)

Maintenance Workshop

Bodaboda maintenance service

  • Francis Muteru
  • 8 months ago
  • Mombasa, Nyali
Price: Price to be set based on the type of work required & spare parts added (if any)


Villa on Grand Avenue

  • 1 months ago
  • G87P, Birmingham, UK